Monday, May 16, 2011


This is where they have the large markets during the week selling flowers, cheese, vegetables and fruit. Tuebingers and visitors flock to the outside tables during good weather to dine and drink beverages and also to people watch.

The wonderful picturesque buildings in Tuebingen. Getting a peek of the Rathaus (the town hall) down a crooked, cobblestone street.

Ready to board the plane!

This is proof you can make a European vacation with 3 kids (4 if you count my father-in-law) in tow. The girls were exceptional. Really. Not lying! And I didn't medicate them or me! Even Juliette who decided that she could perfect her screeching pterodachtyl-like scream the week before the trip and also be getting her two front teeth (which popped through in Germany), was great! It was such a fantastic trip. The kids did so well on the flights, bus/metro/train trips and I think had a great time too. Tuebingen was a favorite of Isabelle's, and we wish we had more time to spend there...2 days was just too short! Isabelle didn't have any memories of the city where we lived in 2007 to 2008 except when we walked into a backerei, she exclaimed, "I remember this place! I remember the smell!" We definitely frequented the bakeries for the pretzels. It is interesting that a sense triggered a memory for her. We visited our friends, the Klepsers while we were there and had a marvelous time!

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