Sunday, April 18, 2010

29 plus 2

I am nearing the 30 week mark and that certainly induces a sense of panic. I had ever intention of doing baby laundry, finding gender neutral jammies and putting the crib back together this weekend but time just slipped away! I have alot of baby items, but much is still in storage, in a closet, or simply misplaced! I certainly think I am motivated to tackle the task but get distracted by pretty much anything. I plan on not "decorating" until we find out gender, so at least I don't have to paint too! I have been feeling good but kind of tired and I am having trouble bending over but Isabelle has been a big helper around the house. Jamie and I are still having alot of trouble picking out a name for #3 so if you have any sane suggestions send them my way!

Close ups!

We got a new wooden playset for the backyard for their birthday gift and they absolutely love it!

The crab apple trees are snowing

Our spring weather felt a bit like summer last week and we loved enjoying the sunny skies and warm temperatures. Our crab apple trees are in full bloom and they smell and look amazing!!!! The girls decided to have a pre-lunch snack under the trees and the occasional gust of wind would bring the white petals fluttering to the ground. Certainly a picturesque moment with my beauties underneath.

Sweet baby Irene

There is nothing as sweet as a brand new baby and before we left Des Moines, we were able to meet our friend's new infant, Irene! She is adorable and we were able to hold up their discharge from the hospital to visit a bit before we (and they) had to leave! Isabelle and Allie had fun playing with their older son, Henry.

Happy birthday Katelyn!

We spent last weekend in Des Moines with Jamie's sister and family to celebrate our niece's 8th birthday. We all had a great time!

Let's go fly a kite...

Aunt Kriston got the girls a kite for Easter and what a great time they had on a windy afternoon in Iowa!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Our new neighbor boys came over for a very quick Easter egg hunt in our front yard. The girls had a super time finding Easter eggs in the grass and among the bushes. Here they are examining their "loot".


My Easter bunnies.

The girls and I after church. Jamie unfortunately had to take call the weekend of Easter and on that morning was called in at 3:45 am to surgery and didn't come home until late that night! Ugh! We had a really nice Easter Sunday though attending church with Jamie's grandmother, dad and brother. His cousin Nancy also came down from Lafayette for a late lunch.

I should have bought the generic PAAS easter egg dye but tried to do something fancy with a glitter swirl egg kit. It was not the easiest and not very kid friendly but the kids were excited to participate.

A very challenging photo with a semi-cooperative bunch!

All that playing really wears a girl out!

Bottle feeding lambs

The girls and I were able to spend a few extra days in Iowa during spring break. Isabelle and Allie absolutely loved feeding the baby lambs bottles at Grandma and Grandpa Koss' house.