Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Friday, May 13th.

Back in the plane, got the luggage, waiting for Jamie to bring the truck back from long-term parking.

Delirious from lack of sleep??? Isabelle grins before we board our plane from Detroit to Indy.

When you see those nervous, terrified faces...when you are schlepping 2 kids and a baby in a carseat down the narrow aisle...smacking an occasional traveler with an overpacked diaper-bag...and you know what they are thinking....that they are praying that they don't have to sit by me while cursing coach seating and Delta airlines.

All joking aside...the kids did great and Juliette really did sleep like this on the plane. I watched 2 movies on the flight back...well...when I wasn't constantly adjusting earphones, giving snacks and taking them for bathroom breaks...I was.

Au Revoir Paris!

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