Monday, May 30, 2011

Juliette is 11 months old!

I can hardly believe is it possible she has gotten so big so fast!!!??????? We are all so in love with her, and she knows it! She isn't crawling yet...but she wants to be...and is getting closer every day. It isn't so surprising when I think about her 2 older sisters and how they weren't very interested either in achieving this early. But...considering that Juliette seeks out every piece of plastic, paper, piece of itty bitty toy and cheeks it, I am okay with her just rolling rolling rolling. And also realizing that she is turning 1 in a few weeks, I am in no hurry to have her grow up! She will get there. She will. And then she won't look back.

She loves to eat! No more baby food for this girl. She loves fruit, carbs and dessert. This is a child after my own heart. Her older sisters love to tickle her and Isabelle likes to carry her around and hold her too. (perhaps this is why she isn't crawling?) She likes the outdoors, walks and trips to Target. She also loves animals and squeals when she spots a dog. She can say mama, dada, I swear she said grampa in France, acts like she is conversing most of the time, nods yes and no to questions, waves bye-bye, and holds her hands up to "so big", gives high 5s, and pushes you out of the way if she doesn't want you. Books are her favorite toys in the moment. She will spend mornings opening, closing and turning pages. This is one of her favorites.

Favorite past-times include, hurling food off her tray if she hasn't popped off the tray itself and thrown it on the floor, making sure where mommy is at all times, attempting to lure the kitty close to pull off her ears, throwing toys, sitting and scooting on the outside blanket to be in reach of sticks, mulch, rocks, fists of grass to taste and chew and being so cute your heart flipflops.

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