Wednesday, April 30, 2008

This is the Frauenkirche in Dresden which has been rebuilt since burning to the ground in WWII. We couldn't take pictures inside but it was magnificient, pastels splashed with gold. Apparently it took 10 million Euros to rebuilt and was financed by donations around the world. You can see how they used the old stones with the new in a gigantic jig-saw puzzle fashion to reassemble it.

Dresden has about 490,000 people and is a beautiful baroque city. Much of Dresden was destroyed in WWII in one day in February of 1945. The Elbe River runs through the city. Jamie and Isabelle are in front of a fountain in the Zwinger courtyard.

A look inside the Old Masters Gallery in the Zwinger.

Raphael's famous painting "Die Sixtinische Madonna" (Sistine Madonna)1512-1513.

The famous angels at the bottom are only a detail in the painting!

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