Wednesday, October 17, 2018

10.17.2018 Skidaway Island State Park, Savannah

A few of our campsites had some seclusion and we had quite a view!  

"our backyard"

It felt like we were in a movie of Jurassic park!  The spanish moss was so thick!

After breakfast we drove into Savannah which was about a 25 minute drive from Skidaway.  We were so fortunate to find such beautiful places to camp so close to the cities we were visiting!
Savannah has many squares and is built on a grid type of system.  The squares were all different and pretty.  It was a great place to sit and relax under these ancient oak trees.

Bay St where we saw the City Hall and Cotton Exchange

Savannah River

The US Coast Guard had docked and were offering free tours.  It was really neat and unique to be able to see inside!

Leopold's Ice Cream is hands down the BEST ICE CREAM ON THE PLANET!!!!  We stopped for a quick lunch before we went sightseeing.
It was an incredibly hot and humid day for fall (98 heat index).  We decided to take a trolley to get a little history and narration with our trip around the city.

Battlefield Memorial Park where the Siege of Savannah took place.  It was the second bloodiest battle of the Revolutionary War.
One of the many squares...

Gorgeous homes on Whitaker and Drayton St.
Forsyth park and playground

The famous fountain in Forsyth park

The oak trees dripping with Spanish moss were just so picturesque!
The details of all the homes were just amazing and just so difficult to photograph well for me.  Iron accents was a way to show wealth.

Mercer house

This area was said to be the romantic streets to stroll down in the south.  

The window boxes, planters and decor was just stunning!

I just love these stairs!

One of the things that Jamie wanted to do was go on a ghost tour while in Savannah.  Imagine our surprise when the artist formerly known as Prince was our guide.  It was certainly not the most believable tour but provided some laughs for us after.
One of the ghosts that was rumored to haunt Mercer house was a kid who fell (or was pushed by an unseen force) off the roof and onto this gate and died.  They say this spike of the fence was broken by his fall.
Hundreds if not thousands of deceased plague victims are buried under Forsyth park.
Of course a hospital built in the 1800s has to be filled with spirits!  Now, it is a dorm for SCAD.

The live oak trees certainly come alive at night.
Juliette was mesmerized by a few of the tales.

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