Saturday, August 2, 2008

We drove through Iowa City where we picked up our lonesome cat, Erwin and saw my parents. I plan on coming back when things settle down a bit in Indiana.

We were able to spend a very brief 30 hours with family before we ventured on to Indy. We love to have every chance to spend with our wonderful family.

Thank you Jurasek family for bringing us to and from the airport and all of our luggage too...3 times! You don't know how much we appreciated it!!!! You are the best.

So, WE MADE IT!!! At the time, the trip seemed like it would never end, but in hind-sight it wasn't to bad. Allie spent some time on the floor, between my seat and the next seat in the row in front of us...yes, I know...not safe...but desperate times call for desperate measures. She was happy having that 6 inches to exercise her legs. Isabelle was content with movie time. Sure, there were times they got restless, and the times that they got woken up and then went crying and screaming to our next connection. I think it will be awhile until we take our next trans-Atlantic flight, but we are pretty versed on tricks and bribery for children.

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