Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Allie - 17 months old.

Isabelle - 3 1/4 years old.

The girls are both changing so much. When I look back just a few months, I am amazed at how different they look! Here is an update on what the mischevious sisters are up to...

Favorite American snack: Oreos
Fav outside activity: Going to playground, zoo, and swimming.
Next week I will...be starting preschool.
Loves...to watch TV.
When you are not looking I...harass my sister.
At dinnertime I like to...get up from my seat and wander.
Words out of my mouth..."Daddy, you're drivin' crazy". (After Daddy ran over some bumps and gave us a jostle).
Listens to Mommy...80% of the time...on a really good day.
Favorite toy...Schleich animals (especially the mommy and baby giraffe and baby and mommy seals) and pretending.

Favorite American snack: Goldfish and go-gurt
Fav outside activity: Blowing bubbles and playing with rocks.
Next week I will... be going to Parents Day Out. (yeah!!! Mommy finally gets a free morning!)
Loves...to be the center of attention.
When you are not looking I....love to play in the toliet (yuck!)
At dinnertime I like to...stick pieces of food in my ears, eyes, nose, etc...
Words out of my mouth..."go, go, go"
Listens to Mommy...30% of the time.
Favorite toy...Ball popper and pushing the doll stroller.

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