Sunday, August 5, 2007

Allie in a happy moment! If you look up "schreien" in a German may see a picture of Allie. It isn't that she cries all of the time...she just is very vocal when she isn't satisfied with the way things are! She has a tendency to not take naps well, or at all (as many of you know), so she has been exercising those baby lungs of hers daily. She does sleep through the night for the most part, so I guess I shouldn't be complaining.
Carefully...very carefully. Her favorite part is knocking the blocks down!


The 4 KJ's said...

Allie looks so happy. Glad to hear she is sleeping through the night, that way everyone gets a good night sleep :-).

Look like we may have an architect on our hands! Have fun Izzy!
We Love You All.

Cavanahs said...

Every picture of Allie she looks full of joy, however, you must remember Koss women can be very vocal. It runs through many generations.