Monday, May 25, 2020


This week the girls were able to retrieve and return items from their schools. It was done very carefully and the older two wore masks, had an assigned time and had their temperature checked before entering the building.  There was a certain sadness when they were there and was a bit surreal to me.  I wonder if this will be a new normal when the doors (hopefully) open again in August.  I think there will be a certain risk tied to everything we do. The weather has been warm and sunny with intermittent storms especially in the evening and we have enjoyed a few rainbows too.  Stores are beginning to open and some restaurants at 50% capacity.  We are seeing some places close for good.  The girls have seen and biked with a few friends with social distance procedures in place.  They can't wait to give them a hug and have things return back to normal.  We are thankful for a beautiful backyard full of birds (my new friends), nature and summer fun.  We are thankful for each other.

 Eastern bluebird 

Tufted titmouse

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