Tuesday, May 12, 2020

5.12.2020 A few of my backyard friends

We have slowed down but our backyard friends have been certainly out and about enjoying the feeders, blooms, eating seed and insects and nesting.

 We have a mallard pair that make their way to our feeder every day.  The drake always looks out for his lady while she eats first.  
 This wasn't the best shot of the cardinal pair, but there were so pretty nestled in our flowering crab apple tree.
 A black and yellow feeder for our very favorite goldfinch.
 Filling the bird feeders while some of our friends wait for the first nibble.
 We have had a lot of catbirds this year.  We hear them "meowing" often.
 Our elusive pileated woodpecker decided to be rather social tonight and I got some fabulous pictures of him before he landed for a suet treat.

 Yellow breasted warbler
 Ruby-throat hummingbirds

I love these little guys!

 Northern flicker
 So many blue jays this year!
 Rose-breasted grosbeak
 Goldfinch posing
 House finch
 Another catbird

 This is our first oriole that we have attracted to our backyard and we were so excited to have them visit.  Years ago, we tried to entice them with a feeder but were unsuccessful.  I heard that they were sighted in a neighborhood near-by and went to get a new feeder.  That evening, we thought we saw an orchard oriole coming to investigate in the tree.  Around noon the next day, I saw this Baltimore Oriole perched on top!

 Orchard oriole

Red bellied woodpecker

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