Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Neurosurgeons in training

Brain surgery for beginners....

Step 1.  Dress up in Daddy's clothes
Step 2. Look through neurosurgery books, drop them on the floor and say, "disgusting" (Izzy)
Step 3.  Decide that the pictures are kind of "ewwwwwish" but look at them anyway. (Allie)
Step 4.  Find plastic scalpels, retractors and toliet paper for bandages and perform a craniotomy on a baby doll.  (Allie then Isabelle)
Step 5.  Give a lecture on the "ewwwish" pictures for Mommy.  (Allie)
Step 6.  Decide that shirts are optional in the O.R.  (Juliette)
Step 7.  Look absolutely adorable in blue scrubs and hats so your mommy has a lot of pictures to give Daddy for Father's day. 

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