Friday, June 22, 2012

Juliette is almost 2!

Juliette is less then cooperative when it comes to posing for a picture, but I took the opportunity to get a few shots of her a week and half shy of her 2nd birthday at Holcomb Gardens.   She is an opinionated, sassy girl who likes to get what she wants. She is the typical "baby" of the family and knows how to get her way (scream, hit, bite...etc...:)).  Recently we are trying to really put the brakes on her naughty behavior as she is getting away with things way more then her older 2 sisters at this age.  She loves ice cream, popsicles, chocolate and M&Ms.  She likes fruit and grilled cheese, cookies and chocolate milk. She usually prefers cereal with milk in the morning.  She loves the sprinkler park (namely Mulberry fields), swimming, playgrounds and the outdoors.  She likes to color and even knows some of them.  She is obsessed with airplanes, big trucks and buses.  She likes to wear dresses and her swimming suit. She goes to bed around 7 pm and enjoys reading books and snuggling with her pink "bubba" at bedtime.  She really adores her sisters...even though they have a few battle wounds, they love to play with her!  I am so excited to see the person she will become, but am so sentimental and sad as she grows up!  We are so lucky to have her and am so proud to be her mommy!

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