Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sunday, April 8th

The girls and their shadows on a very bright and sunny Easter afternoon.

Juliette and her dress before church.

Miss Juliette

I am really having a hard time with her (and her sisters) growing up so quickly. She has recently started saying a lot of words and stringing them into sentences and summarizes everything I say. "Juju, Daddy went to work". And she says, "Dada go bye-bye". Or Lizzy our cat will be on the stairs and I will comment, "Look at Lizzy in my way" and she will say, "Lulu is nigh-nigh". I have become misty eyed on many of occasions looking at my "baby" changing so much. I just love who my girls are becoming...their very different personalities, their love and respect for one another, their love for us...oh, if I could just freeze time. Juliette loves it when her hair gets put up in pig-tails or pony-tails and wants to "look hair" in the mirror. She has this smug not quite smile as she shakes her head from side to side admiring her reflection. This picture was taken on Sunday at the IMA. She really does not like her picture taken and usually every single picture I get of her happy is when she is looking at someone else. She was sitting on a bench looking through me, just staring at my soul.

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