Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Our 1st ever Easter egg hunt!

Easter bunny and Isabelle and Allie. Juliette decided she needed a nap.

The bunny himself!

Allie was my little sleuth. She was way more concerned about how the bunny was wearing shoes with spats and also that there was a ZIPPER in the back!!! She would not leave this subject alone...she kept coming up to me and said..."I saw that bunny had a zipper...and you know I saw him go into the woods and then go into Jenny and Wayne's house (our neighbor next door). I think that it is Daddy...cause he isn't here you know....but it might be Mr. Wayne cause Daddy doesn't have those shoes I think." While other kids were relishing in a big bag of candy from the hunt, you could see Allie's wheels in her head turning...walking back and forth. That girl!

We were so grateful for sun and temperatures in the high 60s as we hosted an Easter party for some friends and their children. This was the 1st Easter egg hunt that our kids have ever been to. We had over 250 eggs in the front yard for about 25 kids who rushed to find the golden egg. It was such a great time. After the hunt while the kids were emptying their eggs into a bag, the Easter bunny made an appearance and gave out chocolate eggs and posed with the kids. So fun! We had sandwiches, salads and drinks before the hunt. After the Easter bunny was here, the grown-ups that were around got to do an adult version of an egg hunt for prizes that included wine and gift cards. It was a blast...but exhausting too! :)

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