Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lizzy and Allie

Allie LOVES our kitty and carries it around everywhere. Lizzy is fairly tolerant...or else she is playing dead, hoping that they will relent.

Allie loves preschool and is all signed up for Pre-K! It is hard to believe that she will be starting kindergarten in fall of 2012. She enjoys going to chapel and music and comes home singing new songs every day.

Some likes: noodles for dinner, peanut butter (she could eat it by the spoonful), chocolate milk, and anything chocolate, playing with mommy, princesses, tinkerbell, being read to, her sisters, daddy being home from work, sparkles, doing crafts, coloring and being silly.

Dislikes: things being out of order, not having enough attention, boredom, being made to eat what is on her dinner plate, being denied a "treat" when she asks every half hour after waking up, sleeping in, being sick.

1 comment:

Amy F. said...

Playing dead...hahaha! Cats that live in homes with small children earn a special place in kitty heaven, don't they?