Sunday, January 23, 2011

Isabelle is over half way done with her kindergarten and is doing great. She makes friends easily and is always telling me new things that she is learning at school. She continues to go to Interactive Academy where she does kindergarten enrichment, spanish and also alot of gymnastics. She LOVES that! She has started swimming lessons again and I hope that she improves enough to be on a team this spring or summer. She told me that she would like to win 3 medals. :)

A few of Isabelle's likes...macaroni and cheese, apples, lemonade and turkey and cheese sandwiches, sweets (skittles are a favorite), chocolate ice cream with chocolate magic shell coating, dresses and tights, her American Girl Doll, TV and movies, Barbies, doing crafts, reading books, her sisters, playdates

Dislikes: having TV time taken away, losing at games, lasagna and sauce on noodles, getting her hair brushed

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