Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas EVE

Juliette is READY for bed!

Opening a gift on Christmas Eve...and they got matching jammies!

Milk and cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer!

We made it to church for the 5 pm Christmas Eve service and barely got there in time for a seat! Juliette also made it clear that she is getting to be a bit rowdy for church and may have to start spending some time in the nursery. For holidays, we do like to have the girls all sit with us for church but Isabelle and Allie do like to attend Sunday school when they can. Allie was begging to get dressed up all day...she was so anxious for Christmas and knew that after she could open 1 present. I have to say that they have been so patient and were very good this season (except for a major random outburst at Target weeks before). I could tell however that Allie was starting to "crack" a bit...she was trying very very hard to be on her best behavior. We have the "Elf on the Shelf" and that visit definitely made an improvement on their actions.

This year was such a magical one for the girls. It was so exciting for me to view the holiday season through their eyes....the innocence and wonderment and belief! I loved the squeals that would come from the backseat when they would see Christmas decorations through the window, the many off-key renditions of "Rudoloph", "Frosty", and "Jingle Bells". I love seeing them examine the ornaments everyday and play with the nativity set...and even the arguments that ensued over who got Baby Jesus. It was a time to reflect on how fortunate we are to have our health, our family, and a roof over our heads and food to eat. We tried to focus on what we are blessed with, instead of what they "wanted" or "didn't have". We had a very white Christmas and it was our immediate family that celebrated right here at home in Zionsville! Santa was very good to the girls and they had alot of presents under the tree to unwrap. Isabelle said her favorite present was her family...(I think she thought that Santa was still listening), but really liked her new American Girl doll, Rebecca and her digital camera. Allie's favorite was a Crayola art set and Rapunzel doll. She also really likes her Tinkerbell playset and digital kids camera. Juliette's favorite was wrapping paper and a touch and feel farm book.

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