Thursday, January 1, 2009

I can never pass up a photo-op of my children peacefully sleeping. Seeing their beautiful cherubic face, eyelashes gracing their peachy cheeks and little pursed mouth makes my heart literally skip.

The girls were successfully spoiled with attention, candy, and gifts. They love all of the new Christmas loot. Allie really likes to play with her new take-along doll house and people and trains (choo choos). Isabelle loves her new books and dinosaurs. They both really enjoy their new play kitchen and accessories although Allie is a bit short and can't quite reach the top cupboards and microwave. It makes her thoroughly upset but I plan on picking up a step-stool just for her on my next trip to Target.

We had a great time in Iowa. Thank you for your hospitality and gifts. We were able to see some family and a few friends too and we miss you all! Besides a nasty ice storm in which we literally slid into Cedar Rapids on Saturday, the weather cooperated for us. Just so you know...I-74 does go west to east and we would love to have you out for a visit anytime!

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