Monday, August 26, 2024


Saying goodbye to our sweet girl for now.  It has been so fun to have her home this summer.  I won’t miss her messy room, but I am sure she won’t miss me constantly nagging her about it either.  Ha!  She is an absolute joy, a walking partner, a lunch date and just so wonderful to have around.  Her sisters love her so much.


These 3 will REALLY miss the snuggles and attention.

This was the easiest move-in ever! When she parked, 5 girls came running out of the house to say hello and give hugs and then each took a bag with them up the stairs to help move her in.  I believe the sweetest girls in IU belong to this house.  She will have such a great year.  She has 3 roommates this semester.

Avery, Isabelle and I went out for a quick lunch.

I love Bloomington!  But, I think everyone knows this already.  :)

All smiles on her first day. 

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