Sunday, September 8, 2013

{This is Our Life} 36.52 {Time}

Isabelle and Allie are the 5th generation to play on the Gulbransen upright piano.  Great Grandma Trafton told us about the story about her mother buying the piano before the Great Depression and how she pooled the money of hers, her brother and to buy this.  She did this right before the market crashed. Grandma told us how she used to lay on the cot next to her mother while she played and how much she loved it (this was before radios and TVs) and what a great musician she was.  Great Grandma Trafton didn't play but Grandma Miller did.  Grandpa brought the piano to Indiana in November and we took it to get a sympathetic refurbishment from Piano Solutions.  The girls have been taking lessons since late spring and really enjoy it.  

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