Monday, October 22, 2012

Deanna Rose Farmstead

For fall break we went to visit our friends in St. Louis and in Overland Park, KS.  We had a wonderful time.  We first stopped in St. Louis on Friday night and had dinner and watched the game with our friends, the Ciorbas.  Jamie and Matt have known each other since early undergrad at Iowa.  It is always so fun for our kids to play (they have 3 boys who are so fun and adorable) and to catch up too.  On Saturday we went to Overland Park to spend a few nights with the Robinsons.  They were our former neighbors and good friends who relocated to Kansas due to a job.  We were so excited to see them again and so were the girls.  Juliette has a major crush on their son, Cam.  :)  She is so boy-crazy at 2!  Yikes!  On Saturday we enjoyed some Kansas City BBQ with their friends and A LOT of wine!  On Sunday, they took us to this super cool interactive farm called the "Deanna Rose Farmstead".   It had a lot of history and it was a beautiful (and warm) day.  We went to brunch at a delicious place called, "Classic cup" on the plaza in Kansas City.  Jenny and I then took the girls to the American Girl store in the mall after.  Monday, we drove back to Indianapolis.  It was a great weekend!
 Isabelle and Cam mining for semi-precious stones.  They give you a bag of sand filled with stones and you place it in a running water area in a mining pan.  This was Isabelle's fav!

 feeding goats with a bottle
 The goats are looking up at Isabelle and Allie wondering why they aren't feeding them...
 pony ride
 This was Allie's favorite!
 This was Allie and Isabelle's first time fishing.  They really enjoyed it!  
 Juju watching the ducks.
 Ben, Isabelle, Allie, and Cam
 Juliette and a friendly goat

 family pic
 The girls just LOVE Miss Jenny!

 the hayride 

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