Sunday, January 1, 2012


My beautiful and spirited daughter! Juliette is changing so much and celebrated her half birthday (1 1/2 years old now) on Christmas. She is sweet and loving but has such a little mean streak to her too. She is mildly interested in toys but enjoys getting into drawers, throwing, making a mess, tormenting her sisters, dancing and "singing", coloring, "reading" books, giving kisses when she puckers, giving "dirty" looks to strangers, Christmas lights, shopping, cookies and playing outside (even when it is freezing). She says a lot of words now and will try to copy what you say when you prompt her. Even this morning she said, "love you". She loves her blanket, "bubbie" and also her pacifier (New years resolution to get rid of it some day), hugs, snuggles, being carried and climbing on furniture.

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