Monday, March 8, 2010

I should have never been bragging...

on how healthy my girls have been this winter. When one of my friends just got done telling me how they have been down and out with some ailment, I would think to myself...I am so lucky since my kids have been so well. It is like a curse. In a mere 8 days, Allie has had strep and then a GI bug of vomiting for 24 hours which she subsequently passed that on to her sister. So good to share! It is like the other week when I told my sister that I feel like the girls are so good and never get into major trouble so I don't have to keep a constant eye on them. Well, you know how that went last week (see below post, "New haircuts"). You always think you have infinite parenting skills that work and are successful, but kids always bring you down from the clouds and make you realize that a part of it is luck and most is out of your control.

Well...poor Isabelle had a doozy of a vomiting episode last night that definitely took a team approach to clean up...mainly because she not only got it EVERYWHERE...her hair, clothes, bedding, walls but she also threw up all over ERWIN!!! While listening to her wretch around 2:30 in the morning, I imagined the scene to be something out of the Exorcist but orange instead of green. So yes, Erwin is now an orange tinged cat and when Jamie gets home we get the pleasure of giving him his first bath. I can just dream about what fun that is going to be.

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