Monday, June 8, 2009

Eagle Creek

Daddy and his girls. Isn't Isabelle just the image of him?

What can you say about Allie? She is such a dollie...but such a pistol. If you ever want to know how you sound, listen to your 2 year old. Allie is a complete riot repeating everything you say. Like when she calls Erwin, "precious". Or says that her dress is "just beautiful".

Miss Isabelle is becoming so grown up! She is such a quiet soul, with a big heart! She is also so inquisitive...what, why, when, why, why, why!!!! She is so helpful (most of the time) and such a good girl.

The weekend before last we took advantage of blue skies to hike around Eagle Creek Park and to Lilly lake. It is so nice to be in the city but surrounded by trees and sounds of nature...and the occasional swearing/yelling from some fishermen/people to their own kids near the lake. Aaaaaahhhh. Peaceful.

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