Monday, March 2, 2009

Sick = movie marathons, popsicles, and yummy medicine

I was pretty impressed that we had made it this far without coming down with one of the virulent viruses of the cold and flu season. On Tuesday, Isabelle woke up at 1 am complaining of a sore throat and by 10 am was in the doctor's office and diagnosed. It was one of those classic cases that doesn't even warrant a strep test. So armed with her very first antibiotic prescription, popsicles and lemonade we made it home for a long nap and all day TV (which she was very happy about). I have never seen a kid that pines for flavored ibuprofen and amoxil like Isabelle. But, I am glad it isn't a battle for her to take medicine. 1 day later, I had my own personal MD write me a script for my strep throat. So far, Jamie and Allie are in the clear...but I am not holding my breath on this one!

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Ha! Henry LOVES children's motrin. We are just getting over a bug here too and although he is pretty much better (I am not) he made me take his temperature tonight before bed in hopes that he could get some more medicine. He was very upset when I told him he couldn't have any and went and got the syringe himself.