Friday, May 19, 2023

5.19.2023 Last official day!

When you're a new parent, and some wise and older parent says, "oh enjoy it, because it goes so fast" and you graciously nod your head (while in the thick of it) thinking not really.  But then you stand before your beautiful, smart, sweet, capable child their last day of senior year and say, "OMG...I had no idea time could move like lightening speed while feeling the like days can be standing still".  It happened!  You're officially done with your days at Zionsville Schools.  They haven't always been easy, but you have been motivated, driven and all together successful.  You've made great connections, friends and had wonderful teachers. Wherever life may lead you, I wish you happiness, joy, patience, and a desire to never stop learning and growing as a human!


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