Saturday, January 21, 2017

21.365 {2017}

The day of short sleeves and happy faces in January.  It has been an unseasonably warm winter with very little snow, a lot of rain and a bit of ice.  After our week in Utah and a belated Christmas gift of an inflatable sled from framily the girls were pining for a measurable snow fall but after a few days of fresh, warmish air, I think everyone can't wait for spring to arrive.

The afternoon that you learned to ride your bike without training wheels (and pedals) AGAIN!  You rode your bike and after a few minutes said, "I want to try it without my training wheels".  You waited patiently while I found a wrench in your Dad's garage and you helped me take them off.  We wheeled your bike to the house and I came back out to find you riding in a circle like you have been doing it for years!  You exclaimed, "I knew I could do it Mom, I knew it."  

Your grin was about as bright as the sun.

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