Tuesday, January 5, 2016

5.366 {2016} Emotive

Favorite color? 

Purple and blue
Favorite food?

pasta and grapes
Favorite candy?

peanut butter cups

What makes you happy?

when I go to birthday parties and school

What makes you mad?

when Allie annoys me
What makes you sad?

when the snow melted
What would be a great surprise vacation?

to Hawaii

If I won the lottery...

I would be happy!
My favorite subject in school

is recess
What book are you reading right now?

"up the hill"
Favorite hobbies

play on iPad, outside, playing with Eve, read
What is your favorite TV show?

Austin and Ally, Curious George, PJ Mask
What do I wonder?

Why are clouds different shapes?
The beach or the mountains?

The beach
What do you want to be when you grow up?

a dermatologist
If I had one wish what would it be?

to get an iPad for myself
What worries you?

What is one goal you have to accomplish by 2017?

I want to go to Hawaii.
 Favorite color?

 Favorite food?
Ham and cheese sliders and clementines
 Favorite candy?
Hershey's bar
 What makes you happy?
family and love
 What makes you mad?
bullies and mean people
 What makes you sad?
sad movies and not getting my way
 What would be a great surprise vacation?
going to China!
If I won the lottery...

I would put some in my college account and I would buy a swimming pool
My favorite subject in school?

writing and art
What book are you reading right now?

"Stuart Little"

Favorite hobbies?

writing books, drawing, playing outside, playing with my sisters, playing school, painting nails, watching TV and movies
Favorite TV show?

Austin and Ally, K.C. undercover, Good Luck Charlie, Girl Meets World
What do I wonder?

Why doesn't Target have a gas station? when will the sun explode?  What is it like on planets that haven't been discovered?  What will their names be?
The beach or the mountains?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

A teacher, author and an actress

What worries you?

being anxious, spiders, tornadoes, snakes, getting to school, about something happening to you when I am there
What is one goal to accomplish before 2017?

To be a better daughter and sister.
Favorite color?
Royal purple and silver
Favorite food?
macaroni and cheese and chicken fingers

Favorite candy?
tootsie rolls and jolly ranchers
What makes you happy?
family and friends and cats and Eve
What makes you angry?
when my sisters get on my nerves or when I am frustrated and I just want to punch the wall.  Like, when I am not caught up on something in school I get all agitated and stuff.
What makes you sad?
Thinking about Erwin, sad books, sad movies...
What would be an amazing surprise vacation?
Hawaii or Bahamas or Greece

If I won the the lottery...
part of it on college (so I can get into a good college), part for insurance when I grow up, a car and a house when I grow up.  I would do my needs first.
Favorite subject in school?

What book are you reading right now?
"The Book Thief"
Favorite hobbies?
Tennis, reading, hanging out with friends, animals, snow, being outside
Favorite TV show?
"Girl meets World" or "Best Friends Whenever"
What do you wonder?
What's it like in the future.  I also wonder what its like in heaven.
The beach or the mountains?
The beach
What do you want to be when you grow up?
a scientist or an engineer for prosthetic limbs or a children's nurse
If I had one wish it would be...
for a lifetime supply of wishes.

What worries you?
When there's lock down drills at school.  When I hear loud sounds at home.  
What is one thing that you want to accomplish by 2017?
Stop biting my nails and neater hand writing.

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