Sunday, April 14, 2013

{This is Our Life} 15.52 {Firsts)

On April 26th, 2005 my world changed forever when I became a mom for the first time and then came a flurry of "firsts".  I didn't know my heart could feel so amazingly full until it made room for 2 more daughters 2 and 5 years later.  I started this blog when Isabelle was 2 and so she hasn't had cyber space as a baby but has actual PRINTED photos in albums!  She was in so many ways my first everything as a mother...first laughter, first tears, first chubby dimpled hands clutching my fingers, my first worries, my first tears, my first iloveyous, first dreams, wet kisses and endless hugs, my first wobbly walk and timeouts and she will continue to blaze the path for her Dad and I and also her 2 younger sisters who love and admire her so so much.
One of the happiest moments in my life.  So beautiful and so perfect and we waited so long for her.
 Just hours after birth she opened her big eyes and just stared so contently at me and all around her.  She was such a calm, happy and good natured baby.  I on the other hand was a neurotic crazy first time mom who knew everything there was to know about raising a child until I had one of my own and then I realized I knew nothing.  Yep, I was one of those.  I seriously love this picture and so vividly remember those peachy soft cheeks so warm from a late night nursing marathon.
Just 10 weeks old
 4 months

 Just learning how to sit at 6 months.
 Happy Halloween at 6 months
10 months...whenever she sucked her thumb, her "pink kitty" wasn't far away

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