Monday, March 5, 2012

20 months

Juliette is now 20 months! She is sassy and dramatic. She loves to play with her big sisters and her favorite word is "mine". She is a snacker and will raid the cupboards for cereal, goldfish and anything chocolate. She has a compulsive wall and floor writing habit and she is bound to find the only non-washable marker in the house. She also has started to perfect the falling to the floor habit and kick her legs and cry. She seems to forget that she has 2 big sisters that already earned Oscars for their prior performances. She loves the "moooooon" and searches for it every night. She is an outdoor girl and likes to swing and the sunshine. She isn't a big into playing with toys all of the time, but likes the toy kitchen, to color, and look at books. She is an absolute joy and I just love watching Isabelle and Allie interact with her. It makes my heart sing.

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