Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What a storm we had yesterday! I am thankful that we didn't lose power or have major ice damage---yet!!!! What a time to feel so blessed to have a warm house, food stocked in our pantry, and the necessities. We were spared the 12 plus inches of snow and heavy ice that other counties had. It is pretty amazing though the 4 foot drifts that can happen with just an inch of snow and 40 mph winds.

Unfortunately we can't get rid of the cooties here. Poor little Juliette came down with vomiting and a significant bronchitis that is making her MISERABLE!!! And of course, not to feel left out Isabelle decided to join her with fevers, upset stomach and upper respiratory issues. The doctor said that it is a type of respiratory influenza. Now that Jujubee is 7 months old, my maternal antibodies just aren't active anymore. I am waiting for this winter to be OVER!!!

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