Sunday, September 5, 2010

10 weeks old

Juliette is growing...12 lbs and 10 oz at her 2 month checkup which puts her in the very svelte 90th percentile for weight! She also received her vaccines which she did not appreciate. She is such a sweetie, loves her pacifier and to cuddle! Her hair is a bit out of control...but I love the fact that I can put alot of bows and barrettes in it already! She continues to sleep pretty well at night...some nights better then others, but still has to figure out a nap schedule during the day. Unfortunately with the sisters in school, she is getting alot of disrupted daytime sleep. I can't believe that I had my camera focusing on the wood floor during these awesome smile shots!

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

You will have more chances to take pictures of her smiling. :) I uploaded pictures from my camera recently and I had taken about 5 in a row that were nearly identical of Irene smiling. All adorable, of course.

FWIW, I think in the middle one she looks like Allie and the bottom one she looks like Isabelle.