Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Isabelle and her buddy Henry.

4 generations.

Grandpa Miller and Isabelle.

Allie finds Grandma Miller's lap a very comfy place!

Allie helps pack for our trip.

We made it to Iowa...and we made it back to Tuebingen! It is a big accomplishment with two small children in tow. They both did pretty well considering the distance and the jet lag. Although there were a few crying sessions...all and all it was okay. I do think that I suffer amnesia during our flights as I forget how painful it is. Our Iowa trip was full of family time and we got to see a few friends in the process. We mananged to stay on dry ground as we were in the midst of the worst of the flooding in Iowa. We couldn't believe the pictures and also the immense property and crop damage throughout the state. Where there was once corn and soybean fields became lakes and rivers. The water had receded as we were leaving and thank goodness they had some dry weather too. Thank you everyone for your hospitality and company! It was so great to see you all.

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