Sunday, March 16, 2008


I knew the day was coming that Isabelle would be speaking German words...and I didn't know what she was talking about! Her counting eventually changed..."one, two, three, four, five, six, sieben, acht, neun, ten". Then, she was getting little German songs stuck in her head that she would sing out loud all day..."alle Leut, alle Leut". (Jamie and I looked up the lyrics on-line so we could sing along). Then, she would be saying words that I obviously didn't learn in my short Berlitz course. Isabelle was saying "Owa" for a few weeks...thinking that she was forgetting the "I" in "Iowa", I would talk about Iowa related things everytime she would say the word...oh yes Isabelle, Iowa....yes, that is where your grandpas and grandmas live and lots of other relatives too..."Owa", Yes, Isabelle, Iowa has lots of corn and pigs..."Owa", Why do you keep saying Iowa like that???!!!??? Then, I saw two kids playfully slapping each other at a playground and one kid said, "Owa!". Oh yeah..."owa" must mean "owie" in German.

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