Sunday, October 28, 2007

It was an uneventful week here in Tuebingen. The skies were overcast all week with temperatures in the low 50's. On the outskirts of the city is a small farm that sells produce, eggs and has a restaurant. It is called Schwaertzlocher Hof. The have alot of chickens, a few peacocks, cows, horses, and we heard some pigs. Isabelle loves, LOVES, LOVES animals of all kinds...(did I say love?) and was very excited. She is truly a farm girl at heart stuck in the city.
It was about a 30 minute walk from our apartment. It is always fun for us to see different parts of the city. This is looking toward the west part of Tuebingen. The tall, white tower in the left, middle of the sky-line is the Stephanuskirche where Isabelle will be attending kindergarten.
You can't have a farm without tractors!
Isabelle was most intrigued with the chicken coop. We were constantly reminding her to keep her fingers out of the fence and thankfully she was listening this afternoon, as the chickens were as interested in her as she was of them.

1 comment:

Cavanahs said...

Once again another week of great pictures. I'll have to remember that cards make a great teething item. I'm glad Isabelle had fun with the chickens or maybe the chickens had fun with her. As for the Iowa bib, I would have Jamie wear it for a while, maybe it will bring them luck. If Bud doesn't dress the same each week and they start doing bad, he'll go change.