Juliette loves to play at the playground and her favorite hangout is the bottom of the slide. She tries really hard to stay there regardless of the line of the kids that want to go down and she is in their way! She also enjoys swinging and climbing where she can. My friend said that they need a slide to go "down" and a slide to climb "up" at the playground and I agree! She now has her top molars and one of her bottom ones is coming through. She is cruising around, pulling herself up everywhere. She likes to push her toys around on her knees, play with the magnets on the refrigerator, empty out cupboards and color on the floor if she finds a stray marker. She absolutely adores her pink blankie and pacifier although she usually only gets them at nap and bedtime. She can tolerate a nap a day...usually from 12 to 3 depending on if I have to get a sister from school. She takes kindermusik on Fridays and really enjoys it. MDO is going as well as expected and I like having a free day to get errands and appointments done. I have even gotten to volunteer in Isabelle's classroom and go on a field trip with Allie next week! Juliette still manages to make us scratch our heads on certain behaviors and how to correct them...namely gagging herself for attention and her aggressive nature to her siblings when she is overstimulated. Always something to keep us on our toes! Her favorite word is "uh-oh" which she has been saying for months now as she throws, flings, crashes sippy cups, food or whatever is in the cupboard to the floor. She is a big pointer and has a gift of jabber jabber which is super cute seeing that little chubby finger in the air as she turns to you and "talks".
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