The nurse actually said..."Juliette really doesn't look like EITHER of her sisters..." Seriously?
Really...she will be 10 months next week, but she did have her check-up (no vaccines...yea!) and I want to mention her stats...29 1/4 inches (95th%) and 19 lbs 6 oz (50-75th%). She is such a dolly! She loves the mama and her big sisters, balls, snacks, keys, cell phones, paci, pink blanket and being outside. I took her on her first bicycle ride in the trailer today (Isabelle finally learned to ride on 2 wheels!) and she loved it. She claps when you say, YEA. She enjoys books and especially the touch and feel ones. She rolls and rolls and rolls but hasn't quite got the hang of being on her knees with her tummy off the floor. I think I have mentioned that I am in no hurry for this milestone. I know she will be there before I know it. When I get a glimpse of me holding her, I just can hardly believe that she is so big! So fast! In two short months we will be singing "Happy birthday".
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