We thought we would give a little update on the girls and how they are doing. Allie will be 4 months old tomorrow! Where has the time gone??
Likes: to say "Mommy" 1000 times a day, her new room, picking out her own clothes (she likes patterns, purple, and anything that doesn't coordinate), attempting to jump up and down, meeting new friends.
Loves: Barney, Elmo, her sister, mommy and daddy, gummies, mac and cheese, suckers, watching her "movies", books, going to the park, and being outside.
Dislikes: potatoes (except french fries), being done with bathtime, trying new foods, not being able to be attached to Mommy's hip 24-7.
Hates: Being told "no", not being able to get down from the stroller in the store, when the battery runs out of her DVD player, when she can't see her relatives and friends on a regular basis.
New words/ phrases: She likes to stand on anything and exclaim, "I'm tall". "Happy birthday...cake". Everything she really really likes...she says "the best". She is obsessed with eye color...apparently she really likes "blue eyes", but knows that hers are green.
Likes: her pacifier, bathtime, and to be held sitting up, to look at toys
Loves: to watch her sister, her mommy and daddy and anyone else who will pay attention to her, to look at books, to be held, stroller rides
Dislikes: being put down at naptime, to sleep at naptime, not being able to see Mommy, time-zone changes
Hates: having a coat put on, not being attended to right away, being hungry, not being able to see her relatives and friends on a regular basis
New vowels: Oooo, aaah, gooo, she is starting to laugh...more like a "huH, Huh"