Enjoying the beautiful weekend at the IMA gardens.
Allie couldn't keep up with the excitement of the party...
Some of my buddies...Kallie, Chloe, Caleb, Ellie, Alissa, Madison, and Kiersten (Renee wasn't here yet).
Isabelle had a blast at her birthday party on Sunday at Gymboree. Alot of her little friends came and made it so fun and special for her. They sang alot of songs, played, and did alot of fun activities like parachutes and bubbles. They finished it off with a maraca parade to eat cake and ice cream. Thank you to all that came and made it such a memorable birthday.
Bathtime is so much more fun with my sister to play with!
Chillin' with my sister! This was taken Thursday on Isabelle's 2nd birthday! We took her to lunch at McDonald's for some delicious chicken nuggets and fries and then had a cupcake for dessert. You can still see some of the frosting on her face. "Happy birthday" is one of her new favorite songs to sing!
Monday, April 23, 2007
The girls had a doctor's appointment on Friday. Allie had her 4 week checkup and weighed 8 lbs 12 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. Isabelle had her 2 year checkup and was 29 lbs 1 oz and 35 inches tall! We have been so blessed with them being so healthy!
Jamie accepting the Van Wagenen Fellowship award in Washington D.C. on Wednesday. Grandpa and Grandma Miller stayed with Isabelle and Allie allowing me to go the ceremony! We are all so proud of Jamie and his accomplishments!
Paging Dr. Miller...
Sunday, April 22, 2007
I am getting sooooo big!
Getting to know each other...
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Even though chocolate is my very favorite...nothing makes me happier then eating something nearly 100% sugar.
I love my sister!
So far, all the adorable grins are in my sleep...but at least it is a preview of what is to come!
Isabelle shows her obvious displeasure after learning about the Cardinals opening day loss to the Mets.